Jai Sri Ohm Sakthi Home Care
Jai Sri Ohm Sakthi Home Care
Sep 3, 2023
The Risk Factor of Bedridden Patients: What You Need to Know Bedridden patients, due to their inability to independently leave their beds owing to physical or medical conditions, face a myriad of health risks that demand our attention. This article sheds light on the primary risks bedridden patients confront and explores effective strategies to mitigate these challenges. Health Risks Faced by Bedridden Patients Bedridden patients encounter several health risks, mainly: Pressure Ulcers Pressure ulcers, commonly known as bedsores, manifest as painful sores on the skin when it lacks proper support. These ulcers can lead to infections and severe discomfort for patients. Urinary Tract Infections Bedridden patients are at an increased risk of urinary tract infections due to infrequent bladder emptying, which can result in infections if not properly managed. Pneumonia The inability to clear mucus and secretions from the lungs places bedridden patients at a higher risk of developing pneumonia, a potentially serious respiratory infection. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Immobility raises the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis—a blood clot in the leg that can have grave consequences if not treated promptly. Depression Bedridden patients may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness, potentially leading to depression and impacting their mental health. Read More: https://www.jaisriohmsakthihomecare.in/blog/the-risk-factor-of-bedridden-patients-what-you-need-to-know/