Golden Rule Hospice
Golden Rule Hospice
Dec 7, 2022
Finding the proper Level of Hospice Care When it comes to hospice care, no two patients are alike. Each one has unique requirements that demand customizing a care plan that is tailored to their individual needs. While some patients require minimal assistance with daily tasks, others may require 24/7 care. The patient’s hospice care team and their primary care physician will assist them in determining the level of care that is right for them. The principle of hospice care is the same whether it’s routine home care, continuous home care, general in-patient care, or respite care – to provide competent emotional support and medical care while respecting the individual choices of the patient. Hospice care provides the patient with a detailed physical and psychological regimen. When the hospice care team is developing a care and treatment plan, all of the patient’s needs are taken into consideration. With the help of healthcare professionals and hospice care experts, families of terminally ill loved ones can determine the best level of care possible. Golden Rule Hospice 2302 Park Lake Dr #110 Atlanta, GA 30345 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5pm
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