Law Offices of Jason Bassett, P.C. | Criminal Attorney and DWI Lawyer
Law Offices of Jason Bassett, P.C. | Criminal Attorney and DWI Lawyer
Jun 17, 2021
Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs (illegal or prescription), or a combination of these substances can have serious consequences in the state of New York. If you are arrested for operating a motor vehicle after having had too much to drink or after you took drugs, the specific criminal charges you will face depending largely on the level of intoxication. Most people don’t go out for the evening intending to drive under the influence, but sometimes “just one drink” leads to another, and then another … and then the next thing you know you’ve been pulled over by the police. Because one lapse in judgment can lead to an arrest with pretty severe consequences, it’s important to understand the differences between a “DWAI”, a “DWI”, and a “DUI” as well as to understand how a DWI lawyer can help.
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