Canna Care Docs
Canna Care Docs
May 19, 2020
The Foundation of Cannabis-Infused Beauty Products One of the newest trends in Worcester Massachusetts are the cannabis-infused beauty products containing the cannabinoid CBD. As you may know, CBD is one of the active components within cannabis, however in its isolated form is non-psychoactive, and can offer many of the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the “high.” Recently, Massachusetts residents may have noticed an increase in new cannabis-infused beauty products that claim to harness the powers of CBD in the forms of bath bombs, creams, lotions, lip balms, and moisturizers. These products are an exciting way to consume cannabis without inhaling harmful smoke. There is emerging research suggesting that transdermal cannabis consumption, that is, cannabis absorbed through the skin, can address arthritis and surface level pain. However, you should be aware that those claims suggesting that cannabinoids can be absorbed through the skin are currently rooted only in anecdotal evidence, and not clinical research.
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