Art Photographie Franz Immoos
Art Photographie Franz Immoos
May 5, 2021
Light Images In the works “Light pictures ”, actions as well as image details are superimposed and combined with one another. The newly compiled photo-image combines temporal and spatial situations. This artificial compilation conveys content that comes into conflict with reality. The assembled photo-image transcends the frontier between dream and reality. A new space is created between the real and the dream world. The viewer creates new image content through his perception and the resulting associations. These image contents, which are newly ignited in the consciousness, change and expand perception. The overlaid illogical image information disrupts rational thinking and thus goes beyond the scope of the usual way of looking at things. The photo collages certainly have parallels to dream images in which circumstances, actions and thoughts are strung together in illogical processes or coalesce into a tissue. This fabric of dream images uses a symbolic language that comes from the subconscious.