Australian Sports Physiotherapy Ivanhoe
Australian Sports Physiotherapy Ivanhoe
Jul 24, 2023
Common Causes of AC Joint Injury The acromioclavicular (AC) joint, located at the top of the shoulder, can be susceptible to injury due to various factors. One of the most common causes of AC joint injury is direct impact or trauma to the shoulder. This can occur during sports activities, accidental falls, or vehicular accidents. Additionally, repetitive overuse of the shoulder, particularly in sports that involve overhead movements, can also lead to AC joint injuries. To avoid AC joint injury, individuals are encouraged to engage in proper warm-up and cool-down routines before and after physical activities. Strengthening the shoulder muscles and maintaining good posture can also help prevent overuse injuries to the AC joint. Furthermore, using proper technique and protective gear during sports or activities that carry a risk of shoulder impact is essential in reducing the risk of injury. If you suspect an AC joint injury or experience persistent shoulder pain, seeking professional advice and care from Australian Sports Physiotherapy is crucial for prompt diagnosis and effective management. Learn how to maintain optimal shoulder function and overall well-being at Australian Sports Physiotherapy! #AustralianSportsPhysiotherapy #IvanhoePhysiotherapy #PhysioIvanhoe #IvanhoePhysiotherapist #ACJointInjury #IvanhoePhysioForACJointInjury #ACJointInjuryPhysiotherapyIvanhoe #AcromioclavicularJointInjury
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