Capacity Fitness & Nutrition
Capacity Fitness & Nutrition
Feb 24, 2022
What Success Really Looks Like at Capacity Fitness Friends, this is what the path to success looks like. You’re going to make progress. Then you’re going to backtrack ALMOST to zero again. Then you’ll make a bit more progress, and then you’ll backtrack ALMOST to the point you were last time. Progress, backtrack; progress; backtrack. Gain weight, lose weight. Get 20 unbroken push-ups, fall back again. But here’s the reason to keep going: Every time you loop back, you won’t go quite as far backward as before. The loops get smaller. And you’ll also start to notice that you’re not backtracking quite as often as before. Someday you’ll look up and think, “Wow, I’ve gone a whole year without gaining any major weight.” And when you have little bumps, thinking this way will help you keep your perspective. Click here to read the full blog post on our website here: Click here to read our Google update on how you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time around:
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