Enhance Physiotherapy Albury
Enhance Physiotherapy Albury
Apr 5, 2023
What to avoid after a muscle tear injury? We all recognise the R.I.C.E formula for managing an acute injury – rest, ice, compress and elevate the affected area to reduce swelling promptly after sustaining trauma. Few people know the acronym H.A.R.M, which stands for what you should avoid after an injury: heat, alcohol, running/re-injury or massage – all activities that can further worsen the swelling and pain resulting from a damaged area within 48-72 hours post-injury! Heat: Should be used with caution when dealing with an injury, as it can cause any existing blood vessels to expand and lead to increased bleeding and swelling. Hot baths or heat rubs such as balms are best avoided in these cases. Alcohol: Like heat, alcohol boosts blood flow and slows down healing. So if you’ve just had an injury, it’s best to abstain from drinking alcohol. Running/Re-injury: Too much exercise can impede the healing process of injured tissues. The stress that running puts on an injury causes it to restart bleeding, and re-injury occurs when a person resumes the activity responsible for their initial wound. Massage: Stimulating the injured area via massage will promote blood flow and amplify swelling. Learn from from our Albury physiotherapists on how you can rebuild muscle strength, flexibility, and control for the long term.
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