Point Cook Physical
Point Cook Physical
Mar 22, 2023
What types of depression are there? There are many different forms of depression, the most notable being: - Substance-induced mood disorder, as its name suggests, results from either intoxication or withdrawal from a substance - Mood disorder due to a general medical condition such as hypothyroidism - Bipolar disorder, involving extreme changes in mood and behaviour - Major depressive disorder involves two or more major depressive exercises - Dysthymic disorder is regarded as having a depressed mood more often than not for at least two years. - Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is probably the most common form of depression related to overwhelming emotional or psychological stress. - Postpartum depression (or Post Natal Depression) - Seasonal affective disorder Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, our team at Point Cook Physical is here to help. Learn more about the signs, symptoms and treatment options for depression on our website.
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