Paul J. Tafelski, Michigan Defense Law | Criminal Attorney and DUI Lawyer
Paul J. Tafelski, Michigan Defense Law | Criminal Attorney and DUI Lawyer
Nov 22, 2021
Let's assume you are put on probation for drunken driving. You will not be allowed to drink alcohol, and you must take random breath tests. Random breath tests require that you call a telephone number each morning and listen in on a recorded message. A color will be assigned to you, and if that color is announced on the message, you must report taking a breathalyzer test at a designated location by the court between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. Let's suppose you slept in and missed the test. Most courts will send you a notice saying that you violated your probation by failing the breath test. Then you'll need to appear before the judge and answer the violation. In essence, you can break your probation by failing to complete any tasks that were ordered by the court. You need an experienced lawyer for violating probation to help you navigate the legal system's complexities if you have violated your probation. Contact us today to set up a free consultation for probation violations.