Sue Ellson
Sue Ellson
Feb 2, 2023
CAREER CUSHIONING AND BOOK UNBOXING // Lauren Ahwan from the Herald Sun, The Courier-Mail and The Daily Telegraph has written about career cushioning today and my fifth book 📘has arrived from the printers! There are many people who are anxious about their career in 2023 and they are creating all sorts of back up plans. Now is a good time to: 1. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile 2. Reconnect with people you know and re-establish professional relationships 3. Spend time evaluating the pros and cons of your current role 4. Look at what professional, technical and personal skills you could improve 5. Discuss your options with a peer mentor, careers specialist or life coach 6. Save more and spend less so you have a three month financial buffer in case a change in employment occurs suddenly 7. Don't make any career decisions when you are tired, frustrated or angry 📰 Read more at which includes advice from Clifford Luu and Alex Hattingh (Loder) ⭐ Give yourself a gold star LinkedIn profile with my book 'LinkedIn for me and my career or business' launched on 23 January 2023 #linkedinforme #booklaunch #careercushioning #sueellson
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