NLC Solutions
NLC Solutions
Sep 24, 2019
Hand & Surface Sanitizers Seems like every time I turn a corner, there is a sign urging me to get a flu shot. Good advice it seems. While not a sure thing, flu shots have been found to prevent or lessen the effects of a case of the flu. Now, let’s talk about employing similar strategy in your workplace. We can do two things that are very effective. 1 - Place sanitizing wipes or dispensers of sanitizing gel in convenient spots throughout the building. It only takes a second or two for people to serve themselves a little bit of clean. The benefits are huge, products like Purell, Clorox, and Wet Ones are very effective in preventing the spread of seasonal flu, colds and many viral- and bacterial-based diseases. 2 - Use a sanitizing surface spray in all high-touch areas in your building. It only takes a second and your don’t have to be a cleaning pro to hit those suspect areas – countertops, doorknobs, telephones, all those buttons on your office equipment. It might take some effort to get everyone in the habit but it is really worth it. Cutting down on eliminating germs on surfaces and your hands greatly reduces the chance of infection. (Remember that most germs enter the body through your eyes. Press the elevator button, brush your eye, say hello to the flu.) Cutting down on flu cases ensures a happier, more productive season for all.