SOLDRIT - iPhone | iPad | MacBook | PC Repair in Bangalore
SOLDRIT - iPhone | iPad | MacBook | PC Repair in Bangalore
Sep 13, 2021
How to Fix Common MacBook Keyboard Issues The MackBook keyboard has some common known issues that can ruin a good typing experience. Here are six common MacBook keyboard issues along with a few solutions:- 1. Unresponsive keys – An issue that many MacBook users have complained about to several MacBook keyboard replacement Koramangala services. The issue is a complex one and the exact cause can never be known until the device is opened by a technician. 2. Keys Stuck – Key getting stuck or not clicking upon the touch of user is an issue most common in the butterfly keyboard. The design is flawed as it is easier for crumbs and small particles to get under the keys and get stuck. 3. Keys Repeating letters – This is an interesting issue from the list. The MacBook keyboard has a special feature where a user can set a bar on repeating keys or a time limit. 4. Keys enter wrong values – This MacBook keyboard issue is a software one and luckily it is possible to fix it through settings. In the Apple menu, go to system preferences and open the keyboard window. 5. Keys respond slowly – Another problem that is actually a feature in the Macbook keyboard. Yes, it is absolutely true that the MacBook has an option known as slow keys than can be turned off if the user wishes faster typing. Conclusion – These were the five common keyboard issues in a MacBook that may or may not require MacBook keyboard replacement.
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