Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Aug 29, 2023
Remain in Me The good heart has attributes the others lack and that makes it a heart which will produce fruit. The Good Heart understands the message of the kingdom, it sees the deep value of knowing Jesus in true intimacy and surrenders to that union within His kingdom. Because of the value this heart places on Jesus, satan seeks to desuade this heart from it's loyalty through persecution, temptation and being hated even by those they love. This has a COMPLETELY NON-RELIGIOUS response. This heart, instead of growing distant and cold, draws all the closer to Jesus during times of opposition and it is due to the love and value of Him that they endure. Like the disciples said when they were one time offended at Him - "Where would we go, You have the words of eternal life." However, it MUST be understood that staying... REMAINING is an option - a choice if you will which has to be made all of the time. If a child of God could not walk away and grow distant and bitter at God and thus stop bearing ANY fruit at all, then Jesus' encouragement to "remian IN ME" would have no meaning whatsoever. For more please listen to the message and read the corresponding article (post) by visiting the website at Blessings!
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