Jun 13, 2023
In the previous post, we talked about our unique work model and approach - Dedicated Team (DT). And now let's take a closer look at a number of advantages that distinguish the DT format from freelance or outstaff: - High performance. DT works closely, smoothly and coherently, which ensures the effective allocation of team resources and the best time management option. - Effective project management. The DT is always led by an experienced Project Manager who oversees the progress of the project, ensures efficient allocation of resources, manages risks and liaises with all stakeholders. Their experience in project management ensures effective coordination, mitigates problems, and keeps the project on track. - High-quality communication and Efficiency. You always have high-quality communication channels with PM, developers, and other team members. PM, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of teammates competently build a project management strategy. And The rapid exchange of ideas contributes to the rapid adoption of effective decisions for your product. - Collective knowledge. Members of DT already have joint experience of working on several projects, which contributes to more effective cooperation and exchange of expertise. Collective experience and common knowledge helps to find innovative solutions. - Improved quality control. DT provides a higher level of accountability and responsibility through company regulations.
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