Daylom & Vovo Upholstery
Daylom & Vovo Upholstery
Apr 24, 2023
Upholstery stains can be a real headache. Still, it is possible to keep furniture looking its best with the right approach. Here are some expert tips for tackling tough upholstery stains. Identify the Stain: Before attempting to remove a stain, determine the type of substance causing it. Stains require different cleaning methods, and identification ensures the most effective removal. Blot, Don't Rub: It's essential to blot a fresh stain gently with a cloth or paper towel to absorb as much spill as possible. Rubbing can push the stain further into the fabric, making it harder to remove. Test Cleaning Solutions: Always test any cleaning solution on a small area of the upholstery before applying it to the stain. This helps prevent potential damage or discolouration to the fabric. Use the right techniques: A gentle dabbing motion with a clean cloth is the best method for most stains. However, some stains may require more specialised techniques, such as a circular motion or a combination of dabbing and blotting. Know When to Call a Professional: Some stains are difficult to remove without expert assistance. If a stain persists after multiple attempts or the fabric is delicate, it's time to consult a professional. Following these tips can keep upholstered furniture pristine and free from unsightly stains. Should professional assistance arise, Daylom & Vovo Upholstery is always ready to help restore and revitalise any piece of furniture.
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