CompuBC - information technology services ltd
CompuBC - information technology services ltd
Apr 16, 2019
How and why you should Clean a Computer Keyboard. Yes! the rumors are true - average desktop keyboard has 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat. Nasty! You're bound to get your hands on something gunky prior to clicking on your keyboard. When all that sludge and silt becomes too much, you'll have to undertake that most thankless of PC tasks: cleaning your keyboard. The good news is that you can do it using tools you'll find around your house. However, since your keyboard can get sticky and stuffed with debris, it may be necessary to treat it to a deep cleanse with a combination of cleaning methods. Step 1, start by unplugging the keyboard from your computer or turn off your laptop. Then, flip the keyboard so that the keys are facing down and give it a good shake. Step 2, blowout your keyboard with compressed air using canned air, keep a little distance to prevent harming your keyboard. Step 3, Invest in some of the gooey, often bright-colored stuff known as cleaning gel or cleaning gum. (like Cyberclean) This gelatinous adhesive picks up dust and dirt by squeezing between the keys and suctioning up any crumbly bits or dirt it touches. Step 4, Every few days, get some Hand Sanitizer on your hands and rub them against the keyboard, take a towel and clean it up. put some Sanitizer on the towel and with a nail file get between the keyboard keys. If you have a laptop and the keyboard still not working well, we can replace it without breaking the bank.