Chinmaya IAS Academy
Chinmaya IAS Academy
Apr 7, 2021
Reasons why Civil Service exams are the first preference for job seekers 1. Civil Services exams stand in a league of their own, which is one of the main factors why Civil Service officers are looked upon like superheroes. The X-factor is a big attraction that never fails to impress. 2. The perks of being a civil servant are many. Not to mention respect, adulation, and admiration that comes along with the job. 3. Civil servants are an asset to the nation. Despite the innumerable challenges in the job, a civil servant is looked upon as a leader who leads by example. 4. The preparation for the UPSC exams is challenging, but it moulds, and shape’s the person mentally, emotionally, and physically. 5. A Civil Service job with the Government of India comes with a rich experience that no other job can offer. Officers get to visit various countries, learn their successful techniques, and implement them in India. 6. Preparation for the UPSC exams helps aspirants realise their potential and implement their learning to launch their own entrepreneurial ventures. 7. The learning never stops with Civil Service jobs. There is a continuous building of knowledge and expertise.
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