Bed Bug Heat Treatment Specialists Pest Control Dead Bug Walkin LLC
Bed Bug Heat Treatment Specialists Pest Control Dead Bug Walkin LLC
Aug 21, 2022
New Post: How Long Can Bed Bugs Survive Without Blood? - Bed bug eating a blood meal from a human hand shown in image. Bed Bug Adaptation… How long bed bugs can survive without a blood meal is directly related to why these blood-sucking parasites are so difficult to get rid of. Bed bugs seem to have adapted to starvation, and while they can eventually stop laying eggs, bed bugs can survive for a long time without blood, while still continuing to lay eggs regularly. Bed bug eradication without heat remediation is not guaranteed, as an adult bed bug can live without food for several months or even over a year in perfect cases. 18 Months, Wow!… Scientists studying them also found that adult bed bugs can survive without food for up to 18 months if living conditions are optimal. Bed bugs need to eat (blood meals) to survive, but according to scientific research, untouched adult bed bugs can even have a lifespan of up to 14 months in not so optimal settings as well. Even with no humans around, if there were animals in the house that bedbugs could feed on, they can live much longer than the expected 5-7 months without a blood food source. If there was absolutely no host to feed on for blood, a young bed bug could die in just…Read More Previous post:
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