Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Dec 13, 2022
Return to rebuild - the Historical account of Ezra Thru the Bible: Ezra 1-4 Ezra is a post exilic priest and scribe who together with the likes of Nehemiah, Haggai and Zechariah was instrumental in the rebuilding and restoring of Jerusalem, its temple as well as the Israelite people. Together through leadership, giftings, prophecies, teaching, delegated authority from both God and kings and just plain hard labor and diligence they worked to accomplish God's purposes with His people. Though these events were of immediate importance to those alive at the time, and as a renewed witness to the pagan nations around them, the events in this narrative serve to strengthen the validity of the scriptures with a meticulous account of all that happened - but more importantly it serves as a forshadowing of what God did in Christ to establish His rule and reign in the temple of human hearts. Blessings!
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