Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy
Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy
Sep 24, 2019
Should I see a chiropractor after an automobile injury? Absolutely. Car accidents can result in many kinds of injuries, some visible such as bruising and fracture, but not all of which are visible, such as whiplash, ligament sprain, and concussion. Especially if you are thinking of pursuing litigation against a careless driver, it is important to see a chiropractor for a proper diagnosis, documentation, and a plan to treat any injuries you may have sustained. Chiropractic care is now considered first line treatment for most soft tissue injuries, and is also non-invasive and does not rely on drugs or surgery. Dr. Erik Reich at Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy has been treating these types of injuries for years. When you come in to be treated after an auto accident Dr. Reich will take an intake and history of your injuries, perform a physical examination to rule out red flags and identify any injured tissues such as muscle strains, disc injuries, or ligament sprains. You will then be given a working diagnosis and an individual treatment plan based on the doctor's findings. Treatment may consist of education, reassurance, hands on soft tissue treatment such as stretching or chiropractic adjustments, heat, taping, or ice, and exercises and stretches to perform in the office and at home. Call today if you have been injured in an auto accident and need assistance (203)235-0171.
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