1 Solution Detox
1 Solution Detox
Oct 5, 2021
Alcohol Addiction - Yes, alcohol is a drug. Like any other drug, the alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages (ethanol) has physiological effects on the body when ingested and can even interact with other drugs and medications. Many of the effects of alcohol on the body and brain are pleasurable and are what we experience when we feel a “buzz”. These short-term effects include stress relief, anxiety reduction, and lowered inhibitions. Alcohol effects the brain generally by suppressing excitatory nerve pathways, which is why alcohol is considered a depressant. Specific areas of the brain, however, are triggered by alcohol to release naturally-occurring opioids that result in the pleasurable feelings associated with drinking. When alcohol is consumed regularly, the long-term effects of alcohol on the brain include contracted and destroyed brain tissue (wet brain) which result in problems with cognition and memory and behavioral changes. Check our latest post here: https://local.google.com/place?id=12732493779591119022&use=posts&lpsid=7407812596932672359"
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