Jun 3, 2021
When i write and speak about time, am always cautious!... "Am adressing the boss of all in this world and i better chose my words well." I respect time, because it is the king of this world.It gives and it gets. Its God given And the only choice a person has is either to let it use him well or make a personal choice to deny time a chance. One fake mentality we have to shun is the notion that you can waste time or use time wisely. Although i partly agree with this mere statements, they are not correct either! Reason been, you can't use something older, wiser and important than you.The opposite is the truth that time uses us, if we are displined enough, it pays us millions and billions. Think of it differently, pay attention to what you do, because time is an already created thing.Its there, it will always be there. Saying that I don't have time, equals to I don't want to, or I don't want it and generally am not for that! Empty bellies series. Artist Owen Francis.