Mitchell Automotive - European Car Specialists
Mitchell Automotive - European Car Specialists
Need to book your next vehicle service?
Valid 7/16/20, 12:00 AM - 9/1/20, 11:59 PM
Not to worry, our workshop is open all month for anyone who has been putting off taking their car in for servicing or needed repairs. Now is the perfect time to get it done and be road ready if your car has spent a fair amount of time off the road the past few months We want you to be safe on the roads during this winter season and beyond Have your car checked and serviced first before you get back on the road again full time Make sure your battery is checked if your car has been sitting mostly idle for a while. There’s a lot more cold weather coming. Call us to book your next car service For the entire month of July and the foreseeable future, we will do a free air conditioning and heating disinfectant treatment with your vehicle service. We take our deep cleaning and increased hygiene measures for preventing covid-19 very seriously to keep everyone safe Call us today (08) 8276 2401 Mitchell Automotive 4 Deloraine Rd, Edwardstown SA 5039 (08) 8276 2401