Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Jul 31, 2023
Common Causes of Shin Splints Shin splints can be caused by a combination of factors related to overuse and biomechanical issues. One of the common causes of shin splints is repetitive stress or overuse of the lower leg muscles, particularly the muscles in the front of the shin (anterior tibialis). This often occurs in activities that involve frequent impact, such as running, jumping, or sudden changes in intensity or duration of exercise. Prolonged and vigorous engagement in these activities without proper rest and recovery can lead to microtears in the muscles and inflammation along the tibia, resulting in the characteristic pain of shin splints. Biomechanical factors also play a significant role in the development of shin splints. Individuals with flat feet or high arches may experience altered mechanics and increased strain on the lower leg muscles, making them more susceptible to shin splints. Poor running or walking mechanics, such as overpronation or supination, can also contribute to abnormal stress on the shin area, leading to pain and discomfort. Addressing these common causes of shin splints through appropriate physiotherapy interventions at Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga can help patients effectively manage the condition. Book your appointment now! #EnhancePhysiotherapyWodonga #WodongaPhysiotherapy #PhysiotherapistWodonga #PhysioWodonga #ShinSplints #PhysioForShinSplints #ShinSplintsPhysiotherapist #ShinSplintsCauses #ShinSplintsTreatment
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