King Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
King Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
Mar 4, 2024
What is First Hour Rating (FHR) and why is it important when I am buying a new water heater? First Hour Rating (FHR) is essential when choosing a water heater, indicating how much hot water it can supply in the first hour from a full tank. This measure combines the tank's storage capacity and its recovery rate (speed at which it heats new water) to give a realistic view of its peak performance. It's crucial for meeting your household's demand during busy periods. To compare models, first estimate your home's peak hour demand by adding up the water usage of showers, appliances, and faucets. Choose a water heater with an FHR that meets or exceeds this demand. Note that gas water heaters often have higher FHRs due to faster recovery rates, though energy source and efficiency ratings like the Energy Factor (EF) also influence your choice. A higher EF signifies greater efficiency, which could mean energy savings. In short, for a suitable water heater, balance the FHR against your peak demand, considering energy source and efficiency. This approach ensures your selection not only supports your household's hot water needs but also aligns with energy and budget considerations. Click the link to learn more about our water heater services: