Collier Family Lawyers Cairns
Collier Family Lawyers Cairns
Apr 1, 2022
Run Towards The Roar I credit this blog to two amazing women I am lucky to know at the moment. Lucy Stokes who nags me to write blogs and then has the tedious task of posting them for me; and Laurie Pritchard who runs Small World Adventure Tours and who sits on the Cairns Business Women’s Club Board with me. Laurie recently did a presentation about “the confidence con”, busting the myth that confidence comes from being good looking and /or wealthy. She says true confidence doesn’t comes from being beautiful or rich, but rather from doing something that’s hard. The achievement of something challenging (particularly when you doubt yourself) is the greatest confidence boost of all. She told us of an African teaching called “Run towards the Roar”, a means by which African lions catch the antelope. READ MORE HERE Get initial guidance on your specific situation. It’s 100% private. More information: Collier Family Lawyers Cairns Suite 1/132 Collins Ave, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia
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