Enhance Physiotherapy Lavington
Enhance Physiotherapy Lavington
Jan 20, 2023
Physiotherapy Treatment for Groin Pain in Athletes In sports, groin injuries are common. The diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of these injuries have long been recognised as a complex and challenging area for all clinicians involved in their management. Because all of the muscles that act on the hip and pelvis merge at common attachment points around the pubic bone, managing groin pain can be pretty complicated. This means tightness and weakness in one area can overload and influence other areas, causing pain and dysfunction. Progressive strengthening and loading the entire groin and hip complex is necessary while considering which anatomical structure is the primary source of pain. The adductors and hip should ideally interact with an even distribution of force. The adductors are frequently underloaded in groin pain, significantly weaker than the hip abductors, and cannot produce the force required for exercise or activity. A reassessment of vital clinical signs of pain is also necessary to guide what loads and rehabilitation are tolerated so as not to upset the structure at fault and rush into running, change of direction, or higher strength loads, which could set the athlete back. The best management of groin pain in athletes often involves: - Muscle strengthening - Supervised active training programs - Load management - Functional re-training - Motor control - Manual therapy Learn more about the Physiotherapy Treatment for Groin Pain in Athletes
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