Nov 25, 2022
Last week, we bought a gasoline generator for our K1 office (Kyiv) to ensure steady operation regardless of circumstance. Our foreman invited electricians and they rewired our electrical panel to include an automatic generator/city switch for electricity. Now we have a specific algorithm for blackouts: - When there is no electricity for a relatively short time, first we use EcoFlow battery and a dedicated optic cable internet provider which works during most outages. - If there is no electricity for more than 4 hours, we connect the generator and StarLink as a reserve option. We have all bases covered, so we can work without any disruptions both during scheduled 2-4 hour rolling blackouts or autonomously by alternating between using EcoFlow battery and a generator to power the office and charge the EcoFlow battery. There are no emergencies for us, just organizational issues to solve so we can continue our work on schedule.
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