Prime Medic
Prime Medic
Mar 16, 2022
Prime Medic - The Home For All Your Online Medical Needs Whether you’re in need of a quick video consultation with a registered doctor, an online medical certificate for sick leave, a referral for a specialist or pathologist, or a repeat prescription for your chronic health condition, Prime Medic is the answer. HIPAA compliant and AHPRA registered, Prime Medic gives patients the ability to access quality medical advice from the comfort of their own home. Gone are the days of Googling symptoms or waiting hours to see a GP; with Prime Medic, you can get accurate and quick help for your health concerns without any hassle. Our doctors can help with any non-life-threatening condition, including colds and flu, acid reflux, GORD and stomach flu, cold sores, contraceptives, chronic disease management, hair loss, period pain, mental health concerns or sexual health issues. Download our app today or head on over to our website to book your first appointment with our highly qualified doctors.