Mar 4, 2024
We are congratulating the PM with 3 year anniversary of working with us. Let's go through a short success story together. The first year of work in the company can be called a year of trial, error and learning. Joining us with 7 years of leadership in heavy metallurgy, our PM embraced the challenge of a new industry. He was used to responsibility and discipline. However, following the principle "Don't invent your own rules until you learn to play by the rules" he had to learn and explain a lot from the PM regulations. On average, it takes 6-12 months to raise (grow) a good PM. While the first year held some setbacks with three failed projects, they gave a lot of valuable lessons and personal growth. The second year in the company coincided with the beginning of the war. It should be noted here that the PM began to listen to and follow the instructions of the company's management. He strictly followed the PM regulations and preached to other guys to follow the organizational and technical regulations. As part of the PDP (Personal Development Plan), they expanded their technical knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and server configuration. This is an integral part of the PM job to understand what is happening "under the hood" at the developer level. The second year ended productively. I would also like to note separately that he was working under the Lead PM, who has been in the company for 10 years.