Jayam Web Solutions Pvt Ltd
Jayam Web Solutions Pvt Ltd
Oct 14, 2023
OPTIMIZE THE BUY NOW BUTTONS OF YOUR WEBSITE TO BOOST ROI: PLACE YOUR BUTTON IN VISBILE WAY: Check the “Buy Now” button is highly visible. The button should be placed above the fold, positioned prominently and easily distinguishable one compared to other elements. USE EYE-CATCHING COLOR: Make your button more eye-catching by using more contrast color against your background. Example: Red and green will always shows the urgency and trust of a content. CLICKABLE BUTTON SHAPE: Ensure your button is larger enough to click easily. But too larger button will overwhelms the page. Button with rounded or rectangular shapes are more effective than irregular shapes. USE DIFFERENT BUTTON LANGUAGE: Use persuasive and action-oriented button language such as “Buy Now”, “Add To Cart” and “Get Started”. Inspect different phrasing to know which align with your audience. OPTIMIZE BUY NOW BUTTON FOR MOBILE: Make sure “Buy Now” button is optimized for users’ mobile screen. It should resize according users touch screen interaction and position correctly on screen type. INCLUDE MULTI-STEP VERIFICATION: When clicking the “Buy Now”, consider using two-step verification to open a dialog box to users that shows final review of their choice before their purchase. ADD TRUST SIGNALS NEAR BUTTON: Build trust among the users to adding trust badges or icons such as SSL certificate, logos of payment methods and guarantees near the “Buy Now” button.
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