Paul J. Tafelski, Michigan Defense Law | Criminal Attorney and DUI Lawyer
Paul J. Tafelski, Michigan Defense Law | Criminal Attorney and DUI Lawyer
Dec 8, 2021
Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious crime. This is similar to a DUI for driving under the effects of alcohol. You could be charged with OWI for your first offense. This charge can result in a sentence of incarceration and substantial fines. You may be sentenced to a maximum of 93 consecutive days in jail, a maximum $500 fine, 360 hours of community work, a 30-day suspension of your driver's privileges, a 150-day license restriction, six points on the driver's license, and a maximum penalty of $500. You could also be placed on probation for up to two years for a misdemeanor. A judge can also add any conditions they feel are relevant to your rehabilitation, punishment, or drug testing. You may also be charged with felonies in certain situations. This is why it is so important to contact a Michigan DUI attorney. It is important to not only manage your legal defense but also any final outcome concerning terms and conditions of probation. Michigan Defense Law can be contacted if you are facing a drug DUI charge. Our attorneys can help you assess your specific circumstances and devise strategies to provide the strongest defense possible. Michigan Defense Law represents clients throughout Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb Counties. For a consultation, call us today.