Total Service Pro Roof Cleaning and Pressure Washing
Total Service Pro Roof Cleaning and Pressure Washing
Jul 7, 2021
Gutter Cleaning Service Near Me Why Is Keeping My Gutters Clean So Important? A gutter’s primary function is to keep water damage from impacting your roof, keeping water away from the foundation entirely, and preventing moisture from collecting in your windows. Water damage to your roof can significantly reduce its lifespan, cause rot and mold, and present you with an expensive roof repair or replacement cost. Moisture in the windows causes your windows to fog up between panes with condensation and can negatively impact your windowsill or inside walls. And bad gutters can mean basement flooding, erosion around your foundation, or straight-up damage to your foundation, all of which are a homeowner’s nightmare. Indeed, clogged gutters are the top reason homeowners face issues with water in their basement. Think about it this way — one inch of rain in the summer puts nearly 1,500 gallons of water on your roof. That water has to go somewhere. Every gallon of water weighs about eight pounds. If your gutters are clogged and the water can’t run through them, they’ll be supporting thousands of pounds in water — not good news for them. Be smart about your home maintenance and simply keep up with clearing debris out of your gutters and doing routine inspections to make sure that everything is working as it should.