Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Mar 9, 2023
When God judges a nation Thru the Bible: Ezekiel 21-22 In these passages we learn to pay close attention to what a passage ACTUALLY says and what it does NOT say. God prophesied through Ezekiel that He was bringing His sword (Nebuchadnezzar) against the LAND of Israel and was going to cut both righteous and unrighteous out of it. In our trek 'The the Bible' many times we've witnessed how God makes a difference between the righteous and the unrighteous in judgement, but there is a difference between individual judgment and national judgement. In the later, the whole nation is included - righteous and unrighteous both. However, for the unrighteous the judgment is greater and for the righteous, they are treated with favor EVEN in captivity. We hope this study will help clarify some topics in scripture and aid you in your pursuit of God. Blessings!
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