Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Mar 12, 2023
Walking in the Light of what you know Series: In Pursuit of Relational knowledge In this teaching on the Pursuit of Relational knowledge, we are building upon the last two weeks were we learned how hunger for God is the primary motivating factor in our pursuit of know God, and that this hunger comes at the cost of trials, temptations, opposition, persecution and sufferings. This week we took a very practical approach in examining the first step any Christian can take in the pursuit of this knowledge which is to walk in the light of what we already know of Him. Knowledge of God in the person of Jesus Christ is the most valuable thing in existence and the Father entrusts that knowledge to mankind by degrees. His love for us and desire for us to partake in Christ's likeness compells Him to reveal Christ to us. However, His deep love, honor and respect for Jesus restrains His enthusiasm, limited that knowledge to those who will honor it... at least to some degree. So the first step any child of God can reasonably take towards knowing Jesus more intimately is not seeking MORE knowledge when we have not even been faithful over that which we already know of Him. We at Living Grace Fellowship honestly pray that the lessons we make available are a blessing to you and aid you in your pursuit of knowing God in true intimacy. Blessings!
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