Peninsula Mobile Screens - Custom Window and Door Installation and Repair
Peninsula Mobile Screens - Custom Window and Door Installation and Repair
Aug 12, 2022
When it comes to window screen installation, you may be wondering how to get the best results. While it may seem simple, there are a few tips you need to know. Before you begin, you should know the size of the window screens you want to install. If you have pets, for example, you might need to install a screen that can withstand claws. If you're not sure how to size the screen for your windows, you can call a professional to help. First, make sure that the pattern matches the frame. When you measure, make sure to cut the screen reliefs along the sash edging so that the aluminum doesn't bunch up in the corners. To do this, use a standard screwdriver tip to press the spline into the corner. Be sure to align the corners of the sash so that the screen can roll smoothly. The next step in window screen installation is to measure the frame of the new screen. Be sure to use a utility knife with a sharp point to snip out the spline, the securing device that holds the screen into the window sash channels. The spline should be soft and not cracked. Remember that the screen needs to fit the frame exactly, or it will droop. If you decide to install the window screen yourself, you should get a four-in-one screwdriver, a cordless drill, and some scissors. You will also need a pizza roller or spline tool, which you can buy at a hardware store. You can also use a sharp blade to cut the excess material around the frame. This way, you can fit the new window screen to your window perfectly.
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