BRM Patent Attorneys
BRM Patent Attorneys
Apr 27, 2020
Extending Australian patent and trade mark deadlines amid COVID-19 (update) Call: +61 3 9819 3808 Three-month extensions of time for COVID-19 related delays are now freely available for most Australian patent and trade mark deadlines. For now, IP Australia (the Australian Patent and Trade Marks Office) has: provided standard text to be used in support of requests for extension of time; agreed to refund the usual $100 per month extension fees (see here). The standard text includes a range of options, each to the effect that the deadline cannot be met “due to the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic”. The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys (IPTA) has circulated an email suggesting that the standard text will be deemed to justify an extension. Our reviews: 5XPC+64 Melbourne, Victoria
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