Sue Ellson
Sue Ellson
Sep 6, 2020
Fathers By Sue Ellson Listen to the audio at I have a father And a father has me On the journey of life We find a way to be I have a father Who watched me grow He taught me so much About what seeds to sow I have a father Who has made a few mistakes Now that I am grown I can see That life is so much more than tea and cakes I have a father Full of hopes and fears Of dreams won and lost And silently shed tears So when I look back I feel for my Dad I didn’t come with instructions I don’t want him to feel sad Because I wouldn’t be here If it wasn’t for him He is my wheel I’m just the rim For he is my strength Be it right or wrong He is mine and I am his Together we will always belong Then one day when one of us Doesn’t breathe any more The other will carry on Based on memories afore And we will give thanks To be a part of each other We will rejoice As we learn to hover In our thoughts Or in our dreams We will reflect And sew the final seams Of the rich tapestry we’ve created In moments of time In ceremonies In stories In words In actions As we will find our own peace As we carry on Together forever Us two in one #fatherspoem #fatherspoetry #sueellson #sueellsonpoem #poem #poetry #fathersday #fathersdaypoem #fathersdaypoetry #westbeachadelaide
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