Certified Automotive Specialists
Certified Automotive Specialists
Oct 11, 2023
In our latest blog post, we discuss potential issues with using air fresheners in vehicles. We point out the following concerns: -They can obstruct your view and are illegal in many states. -Oil residue from air fresheners can damage the plastic trim around a car's air vent. -Chemicals in the fragrances can cause allergies, trigger asthma, headaches, and dermatitis. -They can release volatile organic compounds, adding potentially hazardous pollutants to a car's interior. The best way to keep a vehicle's interior fresh is to clean it, as the scent from air fresheners don't last long. If you still choose to use them, we suggest reading the instructions carefully to avoid damage to your car's interior surfaces. It is important to be aware of these issues when using vehicle air fresheners. Read our blog post to learn more.
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