Daylom & Vovo Upholstery
Daylom & Vovo Upholstery
Jul 17, 2023
Leather upholstery lends a timeless appeal to furniture but requires careful maintenance. Regular cleaning with mild soap, lukewarm water, and a soft cloth is essential. A deep clean with a specialised leather cleaner and conditioner every three to six months helps keep the leather supple. Always test these on a hidden area first. Immediate action is crucial in preventing stains from spills. For stubborn stains, seek professional cleaning. Ensure your furniture is out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources to avoid fading. Rotate cushions regularly to promote even wear. Use a microfiber cloth to buff out minor scratches, and seek professional repairs for more extensive damages. If your cherished leather furniture has encountered damage, don't worry. Our skilled professionals are here to help with high-quality reupholstering and repair services. Visit our store and let us restore your leather pieces to their best.
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