Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Apr 26, 2023
Male Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Wodonga: Is it the best treatment for male incontinence? The male pelvic floor is different from the female pelvic floor in that it has a mechanical advantage created by the longer urethra in men, allowing the pelvic floor muscles to sit in a more effective position. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through pelvic floor exercises (PFE) or physiotherapy is beneficial in treating both urge and stress incontinence. Exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and improves bladder control. For men with stress, urge, or a combination of stress and urge urinary incontinence, training and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that support the bladder and urethra) is recommended as the first line of physiotherapy treatment. Male pelvic floor physiotherapy in Wodonga can be an effective treatment for male incontinence, but it may not be the best option for everyone. The suitability of this treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the incontinence, as well as individual factors such as age, health status, and personal preferences. Other treatments for male incontinence may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional like our team of Wodonga physiotherapists to determine the best treatment approach for your specific case. Learn from Enhance Physio Wodonga on how to locate your pelvic floor muscles.
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