Elkhorn Lawn Care
Elkhorn Lawn Care
Nov 9, 2021
Why is it necessary to yearly aerate and seed your lawn? The goal of lawn aeration and reseeding is to make your existing grass healthier. When you fill in vacant or barren spaces with new grass, you accomplish more than simply improving the appearance of your yard; you also enhance its resistance to pests. Furthermore, weeds are less likely to grow in a thick, lush, and uniform layer of grass because they are harder to do so. Aeration loosens compacted soil, allowing water and other necessary lawn nutrients to reach roots readily. These have a significant influence on grass health and development. So even if your lawn is in excellent condition and all over, aerating it during the growing season will keep it that way. Click learn more for more information on the aeration and overseeding service provided by Elkhorn Lawn Care! #ElkhornLawnCare #LawnCareService #lawnaeration #overseeding #aeration
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