Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer
Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer
Mar 12, 2021
By understanding the most dangerous situations for motorcycles to maneuver in, motorists may be able to take the necessary precautions when they arise. The list below highlights some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents: Unsafe lane changes - Motorcycles have blind spots just like larger vehicles and changing lanes without proper awareness could prove fatal. Car doors - Many motorists are not looking both ways as they do when crossing an intersection when they open their doors. Sometimes a motorcycle drivers realizes all too late that a car is opening its door in their path. Speeding - Bikes have only grown faster and they will continue to do so. It is imperative that the speed these vehicles can achieve is only tested on licensed race tracks. Driving under the influence - Often the complex motor skills required to operate a vehicle prove too much to handle for even a mildly inebriated driver. This is why drunk-driving laws are so strict. Motorcycles require an even greater array of more sensitive motor skills and are thus much more dangerous to drive under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Lane splitting - Although legal, this practice can prove very dangerous when other drivers are not looking-out diligently for passing motorcycles as they change lanes. To learn more about motorcycle safety, click below.
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